"InGinkan mutiaRa seLamiLah HutaN,iNginkaN baHaGia teMpuHiLah peNderitaaN,inGiNkan kejayaaN ReLailaH peNgORbaNaN..
KetaHuiLah baHawa setiap kepaHitaN itu
sebeNarNya teRkaNdunG 1000 keMaNisaN.."

Friday, March 12, 2010

-FORGOT??? Never N Ever:)-

We might not have been friends from the start...

First time I saw u and know u at SAMTTAR, I felt like I knew u from a very young age .u like this, u like that, everything same until we like a same person. At that time, it's very funny because everyday we talked about him and always looked at him and sometime we jotted down his activity but finally we found that he had a girlfriend. Hmmm, so sad but life must go on, right???

Our friendship means so much to me, I just can't say. Whenever I would hit a bump in life and fall, u were there to help and you’re the one who made me get through it all. I wanted you to know I’m happy we made it through, and that one of the people I completely trusted with everything was u and I don't know what I would do without u and u thoughtful way.

During our friendship we had a few fights, the unforgettable moment when we take SPM. I don’t know why, suddenly u got angry and bad mood, when I ask u, u just say “nothing”. u always avoid from me. Do I look a ghost??? I’m so confused and uncomfortable to make any revision. At night, when I study group at class u sent small letter and u write the simple word “I want to see u”.

That night, u told me anything about what had happened and why u acts like that? U said, “I can’t see u hang out and discuss anything with other friends. u is my best friend and u is mine”... I’m so shocked and I said “You’re my best friend and nobody will replace u in my heart, believe me”.

Thank you so much for all u have done for me, u made me be the best person I can be. I love u dear my friend with all of my heart:)


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